Monday 25 April 2016


Irfan Khairi

Cole (1969) defines entrepreneurship as activities that bring benefits through the development of outcome-oriented business. Outcome oriented is the actions of mind focuses on result and impact. An entrepreneur will start a business to get maximum profit. In fact, an entrepreneur will strive to achieve a continuous manner to further develop businesses and will market their business abroad. In addition, entrepreneurs will strive to produce the new products.

In the business, an entrepreneur with outcome oriented analysis, labour productivity based on the number of tasks that had been set up within the prescribed and the quality of products or services provided by him. Employees are free to use a private process in order to achieve the targets set by the organisation. The main goal of outcome oriented individual or organisation is to meet the objectives and realise positive growth. The successful entrepreneurs are always looking forward regarding the opportunities might present themselves in the future and how to take advantage towards opportunities.

Moreover, the entrepreneurs are always looking for ways to do something with a lower cost and the period shorter time than usual. Plus, they are always concerned about the estimated costs and benefits of a renewal, amendment or an action and use the information business or management methods to improve the efficiency of self and businesses.

One of Malaysian’s young entrepreneurs who has this trait is Irfan Khairi. He received a title as The Young Millionaire at 28 years old. He was born in Perak but raised in Singapore and now resident in Seremban. He received a Bachelor of Multimedia Design from Staffordshire University, United Kingdom. After graduating, Irfan was offered work at one company The Birmingham IT, Netmedia (UK) Ltd. As the investors of multimedia systems and internet consultant, he was responsible for designing learning system currently, more than 5,000 schools in the United Kingdom use Learning Grid System.

Drawing upon the interests and deep knowledge towards the internet and business. He starts playing in this business as part-time work in the year 1999. He decided to quit from his job after concerned about the income increased by two fold and want to devote full attention of the business. Then, he began working full-time from home by using a laptop and internet. Only after three years of operation, one of the business’s net profit is RM 1 million without employees and advanced computer equipment. Now, Irfan is working full-time at home by using the internet as a source of income.

As the inspiration that has been shown, he was awarded Young Innovation Award 2006 from Oxford Association of Management, United Kingdom. It is awarded for his efforts in educating and inspiring as the new generation of Malaysia in the field of internet and success.

In a nutshell, Irfan Khairi shows that an entrepreneur is a person with outcome-oriented since he willing to quit from his job after gain a higher profit. 

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