Sunday 1 May 2016


Tan Sri Robert Kuok

Proactive is a person who gets things done before you make things happen, instead of waiting for them to happen to you. Proactive is creating or controlling a situation rather than just responding to it after it has happened (Oxford University Press, 2016). From the business view, proactive strategic approach is involves anticipating markets and competition changes in advance of their actual occurrence and making appropriate organizational shifts in response. Business operators need to take a proactive strategy to deal with the rapidly changing marketplace for their company's products. (Web Finance, 2016).

Proactive not only includes creativity, innovation and risk-taking, but also to plan, in order to manage the project's ability to achieve the objectives. The entrepreneur can supports individual’s specific skills and knowledge needed by contributing to social or commercial activity by being proactive. Proactive must come together with an awareness and high ethical value.

The best example of entrepreneurs that have proactive characteristic is Tan Sri Robert Kuok. Robert Kuok Hock Nien, a Malaysian businessman of Chinese origin, he is the richest man in Malaysia and also known as Asian Sugar King, Tan Sri Robert Kuok Hock Nien courage to seize opportunity at home and abroad, and used his excellent connections with government and industry to rapidly scale up his empire. Tan Sri Robert Kuok has the ability to identify opportunities on good timing. Everyone can find difficult opportunity if we use a thoughtful and deliberate approach, but he was able to find and seize an opportunity when they appear.

 The proactive action that takes by Tan Sri Robert Kuok is where he was the first people that engaged in the sugar business in Malaysia. One of the reasons he wants to start sugar industry because no one has been engaged in this business before. Tan Sri Robert Kuok can see that sugar was very important in the food sector. He takes this opportunity because he believed that sugar business was a simple business and cheapest raw sugar that can give benefit to him as an entrepreneur. Tan Sri Robert Kuok effort expands his internationally in the sugar business started in the late 1960s, he expanded his business in Indonesia, he buys cheap sugar from India before the prices soared.

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